Introduction to Mason Jar Salads

If you’re like me, you’re not a rabbit and don’t particularly want to eat like one. If you are a rabbit, kudos for using the internet. Anywho…

If I’m going to have a salad, I need it to be hearty. Like, make me forget I’m eating something good for me. This was also key if I was going to get my husband to eat it consistently, too. I also don’t want to spend a ton of time making it. So when I found the idea of mason jar salads on Pinterest I was definitely intrigued. The mason jar salads seemed like an easy way to not just plan my meals, but prep them in advance. I meal plan because I know I’ll eat better if I take the time to plan it out first. You know that saying, Fail to plan and you plan to fail.”

do-you-know-what-pintertest-is-your-wife-spends-8-hours-a-day-on-it-and-you-end-up-eating-salads-out-of-mason-jars--834c3So I took some of the good sounding recipes, tweaked them to my liking, and started incorporating them regularly into my meal plan. I liked that I could spend a very short amount of time and have grab and go lunches for the week for both my husband and myself.

After sharing it with my wellness challenge group and with my followers, I got a ton of requests to show how it’s done. What goes where? Is the order important? Why mason jars? How long do they keep? How does this work with your portion control?

So, I decided to host a Facebook event where I play one of those Food Network hosts and show y’all how it’s done. Join me on Thursday at 8pm ET. Click here to join the event and get notified when I go live on Facebook.